Grad dip phys. MCSP. HCPC. AACP. MSMM.
Richard Leigh is a Senior Musculoskeletal Chartered Physiotherapist also trained in Osteopathic techniques, Neuro – Myofascial Release and is an Acupuncturist. He is an experienced ‘Hands on ‘ Clinician who has integrated all these skills into his advanced Physiotherapy Practice – achieving quicker and better longterm outcomes for Patients.
‘Almost 30yrs Experience of treating and handling the body gives me great insight into how the body works – and what to do when it goes wrong. A combined treatment approach, tailored to individual Patients, brings immediate effective results and lasting recovery – because we identify and treat the cause.’ Treatments are not generally painful and there is no post-manipulative pain because of the level of skill.
I find Patients really need to be told exactly what is wrong, what I’m doing and why – and what they can do to best self manage their recovery, clear pain and regain full function ……. and generally feel better!
I have a Holistic Evidence Based approach to healing which is clinically effective because its properly research based and quite advanced. An Integrated Treatment approach covers all the factors making good longterm outcomes more likely. It also helps identify and resolve ‘linked’ problems and pathology, and makes sense of pain patterns in the body.
Richard Qualified as a Chartered Physiotherapist from Oswestry School of Physiotherapy (Keele University) in 1993 and worked in various NHS Hospitals becoming a Senior One Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist. He Qualified as a Medical Acupuncturist in 1996 and is a member of The Acupuncture Association Chartered Physiotherapists. He has completed all the main postgraduate courses in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy including The Manipulative Association Chartered Physiotherapists, Membership Society Musculoskeletal Medicine and Training in Osteopathic Techniques. He worked in NHS Pain Clinics and also part time in Professional Rugby. In 1998 Richard founded a very successful Private Physiotherapy Practice in Milton Keynes/Bedford seeing a wide caseload of Musculoskeletal/Spinal and complex pain conditions. He has been registered with Dance UK since 1999. He’s spent the last twenty years refining and bringing together his knowledge. He incorporated Neuro- Myofascial release techniques early into his Physiotherapy practice and has an advanced skills in this important field ( teaching from Clinicians with International reputation: Stecco, Schelp, Myers, Annan, Lynne Pearce etc)
He enjoys Cycling locally, Coastal and Hill Walking, Bird Watching, Riding, Music and he’s trying to Dance.
You Never Stop Learning!
All Patients are treated with genuine interest and compassion. I have seen most conditions many many times and its rare not to be able to resolve a problem (if not, we diagnose likely causes and advise your GP/Consultant).
A skilled Musculoskeletal Assessment/Examination is carefully done and an accurate Clinical Diagnosis taking in all the factors is really essential – and in a way that informs and makes sense to the individual Patient. I do listen to Patients Carefully, they generally know their bodies well.
This initial session routinely includes full Treatment and Exercise/Advice and discussion about prognosis/outcome, and how many sessions we need. Skilled Assessment and Integrated treatment optimises our efforts, reduces the numbers sessions needed and brings quicker recovery and a good longterm outcome.
All Patients need to understand how recovery is achieved, and how to effectively self manage ……. and I give very good advice!
Its important to look at the Body as a Structural Whole – taking in all the factors – and to explain everything straightforwardly to the Patient – so they can understand what we are doing, and why they are self managing in a certain way.
Where there is more than one symptom these are often ‘linked’ in a pattern that Patients recognise. When contracted regions ‘release’ then ‘everything improves’.
Interventions are Optimal and measurably effective because I bring together a range of skills to address all components of the problem – patients do get better quicker because ‘everything is taken care of.’
- Neck – Low Back Pain / Spinal Symptoms, Sciatica, Spondylosis, Complex Degenerative Spine.
- All Muscle and Joint Pain, Tendonitis, Sprains, Arthritic Joint conditions.
- Hip pain, Knee pain and Ankle-Foot problems.
- Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist-Hand disorders.
- Headaches, Migraine, Dizziness, Chronic Fatigue.
- Ergonomic and IT / work related upper limb disorders, repetitive strain injury (RSI).
- Complex and Chronic Pain Syndromes.
- Sports and Dance Injuries (Dance UK registered since 1999).
- Post Operative Rehabilitation.
- Trauma and General Mobility problems.